Selma’s Story

Domestic Shorthair
3 months, Female

Allow me to introduce myself…I’m Selma. I'm just a big ol’ mush face of peanut butter and chocolate! I am a little shy at first, but that’s just because I like to play hard to get. It take too long before I become your best friend. I never said I was great at playing hard to get.

My sissy Estella and I are a tortie pair! What more could you ask for then two cute torties who have been known to cuddle it up! We are a little silly, very sweet and playful.

If you’re serious about getting two new best friends…we will gladly welcome you into our kitten crew. Us kittens got to stick together!

Click the link below if you’re serious about two kittens.

**Paired with Estella**

FEE: $225


Esmeralda’s Story


Estella’s Story